LSE Team Members - January Edition: Paul Smith our Procurement Manager

At LSE, we have a diverse and talented team with skills in different areas to fulfil all our obligations of providing remarkable frameworks and a fantastic service. To start the year, we wanted to introduce one of our team members Paul Smith our Regional Procurement Manager, and how his role adds value to our service by sharing a project he has taken part in.


About the project

Islington Council were looking for Cost Consultants to support the delivery of a new housing development under the Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy (MDC1) framework. They wanted to deliver 120 homes of mixed use, size and ownership.



Ensuring LHC obtain the best supplier for the job by understanding how each appointed company will deliver this specific project and ensuring the cost is based on what the client wants rather than just who has the lowest price.

Also, to make the bidders tender process as smooth as possible.


Paul's Procurement Manager role

Paul's role involved creating some of the tender documents (ITT, Form of Contract and timescales) plus supporting the client in developing the remaining documents, such as developing relevant quality questions and form of contract. He must ensure the client gets exactly what they need from the supplier. The client initially had a long list of quality questions and a straight lowest-price scoring mechanism. Through working with the client, Paul was able to reduce the number of quality questions, to make them more relevant to this specific project.


Throughout the process, Paul has provided advice and guidance to support the client in making appropriate adjustments to their exercise to ensure they get the best supplier for the job. 


He is now formally running the tender on behalf of Islington Council. This involves issuing the tender and managing the clarification questions. Paul will also evaluate the suppliers' price submissions while the client will assess the quality responses. 



The cost consultants will ensure that the overall project offers huge benefits to the community through new, affordable housing, and it will provide the council with additional funding to support more community projects. 


Paul had a great experience with the client. It was a very collaborative approach to working, and as a result, both parties have learned things that will improve future tender exercises. Paul's support has assisted Islington Council in gaining additional resources that it didn't have access to, had it run the exercise themselves. The process has been smooth and communicated to all parties involved.


2023 and beyond

A key part of the work LHC do is supporting clients in delivering demonstrable, lasting social value to the communities we interact with. In the year ahead, Paul will work closely with clients to build impactful social value deliveries through LHC framework call-offs. From supporting the local economy, upskilling people, and communities and much more, Paul will provide support and guidance to LHC clients on delivering the best possible social value in 2023 and beyond.  


If you would like to discuss any future procurement projects in the London and South East area, contact Paul Smith at

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