LHC's support to RISE Youth Club

Locality is the new independent fund manager for LHC’s Community Benefit Fund. Locality is the national network supporting community organisations to be strong and successful.

Locality will work with LHC and its members to:

  • assist with the application process
  • help distribute funds
  • to support grantees to ensure the fund delivers maximum social value

LHC Members have a well-developed knowledge of communities and experience of diverse investing. The Fund aims to add value to those resources through working with a project champion within each LHC member organisation. Where members have a well-developed system of grant making, we will work alongside you to ensure that the LHC Fund adds value. Where appropriate we will work through a strategic partner introduced by the Member.

RISE Youth Club at Turnpike Lane is an early intervention project that empowers young people to be active members of their communities through leadership training.

This project was designed to help prevent young people becoming involved in anti-social behaviour and knife crime. By creating a safe space for local young people, they empower young people through engagement and information.

They are also working towards creating a stronger community safety and reduction of knife crime incidences in the Turnpike Lane and Wood Green areas of Haringey.  The organisation hopes to create a resilient community that is more empowered, that has access to information and can access local services to improve their life outcomes.

As a not-for-profit organisation, LHC returns any surpluses generated from its procurement activity to its members. In the past few months, we have had the pleasure to award £5,000 to this fantastic organisation which they have used towards essential running costs including, operational costs and support towards staff salaries and volunteer expenses, as the Youth Club has only been launched since 24th January 2020.

LHC were also thrilled to be invited to the youth club a couple of weeks ago, where every Friday evening they invite youngsters in the local community to come and have group discussions and or part take in social activities to keep young people engaged and safe.

We got the chance to meet some aspiring teenagers and our technical support manager, Tim even got the chance to showcase his Fifa skills.

Awale Elmi, Director of RISE Youth Club said:

“Our mobile youth hub to support young people in Haringey has been pivotal to RISE Project’s early intervention outreach and support provision for young people at risk. We are very grateful to LHC for providing us with a fund to create a safe space for local young people in the turnpike and Wood Green area, which is an area of high crime and a knife crime hotspot’’


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