Suppliers appointed to £500 million multi-disciplinary consultancy services framework
114 suppliers have been awarded a place on public sector procurement specialist LHC’s new Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy Services Framework (MDC1).
114 suppliers have been awarded a place on public sector procurement specialist LHC’s new Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy Services Framework (MDC1).
The Supply of Kitchen Units and Worktops (K7) framework from LHC will cover all public sector projects in England, Wales and Scotland.
It will allow local authorities and social landlords to deliver complete kitchen services including cabinets, worktops and associated products, such as energy rated appliances and impaired mobility options.
There has been great progress in the delivery of homes using MMC, in the South West, over the past two years and many organisations now have clear plans to deliver a significant number of homes using MMC in their future programmes.
PVC-U and timber window and door manufacturers, suppliers and installers are being sought for a new four-year framework for public sector projects.
The Windows and Doors framework (WD2) from LHC allows local authorities, social landlords and other public sector bodies to source PVC-U and timber products and end-to-end design services for both residential and non-residential projects.
With the many challenges and pressures facing the housing market today – and in particular those faced by the social housing sector – it’s time for providers to start exploring new solutions.
Take up of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) is slower for the social sector than amongst private companies, but mounting and almost overwhelming issues demand that all possible avenues are investigated.
Forty-seven contractors have won places on a new £1.6 billion framework to deliver new build, infrastructure and refurbishment works for the public sector.
Procurement specialist LHC has appointed Elaine Elkington, an experienced consultant and leader in both the public and private sectors, as its interim managing director. The not-for-profit organisation has also added Asha Patel to its permanent senior team as strategy, innovation and growth director.
Work on replacing the original roof structure and finish at Walthamstow School for Girls was carried out from July to December 2020.
Eight suppliers have been awarded a place on a new engineering inspection framework, worth £5million, for public sector organisations across England and Wales.
LHC are seeking to recruit two enthusiastic, committed professionals to work, initially, with the corporate services IT & Change function to develop and implement the training programme that will enable our target operating model.