
07.11.2022 by Dean Fazackerley, Head of Technical Procurement

Gold Standard 12 months on: are we moving towards truly collaborative procurement in construction?

Almost a year since the release of ‘Constructing the Gold Standard’ – the independent review of public sector construction frameworks – has the sector got better at collaborative procurement? Framework provider LHC’s head of technical procurement Dean Fazackerley assesses progress. 

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01.11.2022 by Farah Malik

Wave 2 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund

The UK is currently suffering from an unprecedented increase in energy prices and has an urgent need to reduce carbon emissions to save our planet. Therefore, the government's Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund is crucial for us to make a difference in how we live for economic and global reasons.

The government has granted 3.8bn over ten years to help create energy-efficient homes. Wave 1 in 2021 provided landlords with the first opportunity to receive funds to proceed with this. Social housing landlords now have the chance to apply for wave 2.1 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund.

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31.10.2022 by Clive Feeney, Interim Group Managing Director at LHC

Stability and a long-term approach essential to Net Zero

As a not-for-profit public sector construction framework provider with regional business hubs, LHC sees many low carbon, built environment projects in action at a local level. The outcomes of these projects are bringing significant benefits for local authorities and social housing providers in procuring low energy, built environment solutions such as modern methods of construction (MMC) new builds and energy efficiency retrofit.

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27.10.2022 by Bell Phillips Architects

Passivhaus – An achievable solution for local authorities

With the government committed to reaching ‘net zero’ greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and more than two thirds of councils declaring a climate emergency, local authorities are facing a challenge – how to meet climate change targets whilst delivering urgently needed affordable homes for their residents.  

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21.10.2022 by Farah Malik

Learn about our appointed companies behind our latest H2 framework

Our latest New Build Housing Construction (H2) framework was formed to develop new build housing projects and associated works, including development agreements and land purchases. This new framework will run until 4 September 2026.

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19.10.2022 by GEP Environmental

Decoding the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme

The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) was launched by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and offers £1 billion of grant funding to public sector bodies for capital energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation projects. The purpose of this programme is to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and install low carbon heating measures in line with the Government’s target of reaching Net Zero Carbon emissions by 2050.

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10.10.2022 by Penoyre & Prasad

Key lessons in designing schools for health and well-being

School design can play a vital role in supporting our children’s mental and physical health and well-being, an issue that was foregrounded by the Covid pandemic. From the relationship of the school within its wider community and the design of the external landscape to the design of the interior spaces, the nature of the school environment can also impact academic, social and creative performance, of both students and staff. 

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28.09.2022 by Oakleaf

PAS 9980:2022 Code of Practice and Your Organisation

Tragedies such as the Grenfell Tower fire in June 2017, and even more recently the Whitechapel tower block blaze in East London, have highlighted the need for comprehensive reviews of existing building safety standards. This includes evaluations of whether regulations are adequate to protect the people living inside high-risk buildings such as high-rise flats.

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15.09.2022 by Ventro

4 Fire Door Regulations You Need to Know

Fire doors are an essential aspect of fire safety for any property. They’re designed to stop the spread of fire and smoke in a building for long periods. This ensures escape routes are protected so people can evacuate a building safely and provides more time for firefighters to extinguish a fire.

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22.08.2022 by Farah Malik

Choosing the right type of material for your doors and windows

Windows and doors play a big part in the look of a building, and due to their continuous use, they need to be fit for purpose. It is therefore essential to consider the quality of material used to produce these windows and doors because this will impact how long they can last and reduce the amount of upkeep required.

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